Toxic Seas
A 5e Campaign Setting

Toxic Seas#

Expore an exciting new world!#

In The Traveler’s Guide to the Toxic Seas, we introduced a world overflowing with toxic mist and a civilisation clinging to the mountains. Over 200 people joined our journey and made that book possible, and it’s now available for purchase on DriveThruRPG.

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Art from the Toxic Seas#

Want to know more about the Toxic Seas? Read on!#

Sometimes I wonder what the world was like, before the mist. Father tells me his stories, of the times he visited the ocean, of the great Forest of Pillars. But I can’t remember anything like those…

—the diary of a refugee.

Nearly 1500 years ago, the world was struck by a slow Disaster, a creeping cataclysm. An emerald fog rose as if poured by the hand of God and choked any unlucky enough to breathe its fumes. It tumbled through the valleys and flowed over the hills, covering more and more as everyone and everything desperately sought higher ground. Soon, as the mists slowed their ascent, only the mountaintops were left habitable. It is on these mountains that civilization survives.

Nowadays, in the year 1472, civilization can be said to thrive! The Church of the Sacred Mist has united the people under their god, the Balloon Corp has connected the nations through trade, and the world sits in an uneasy balance. Your characters are sure to tip the scales, but where will their values lie?