Letter from Krrinal to the High Cheiftan

Letter from Krrinal to the High Cheiftan#

Honorable High Chieftain, I greet you.

It has been many weeks since last I sent, and for that I beg your gracious forgiveness. The defector, Shiver Annul, continues to learn at an accelerated rate. It is clear to me that his bloodline carries great power, though he still refuses to speak of his family. I can hardly lay blame for that, however. He has come a very great distance since his arrival on our shores.

He learns our ways with a frighteningly voracious appetite. I had originally thought to begin his instruction with basic history of our arts, maybe religious texts. But the instant I mention a text, he devours it overnight. I’ve had to place sedatives in his food too many times to count. Without them he drives himself to exhaustion, never sleeping unless I force him.

I truly believe that he is committed to our cause. His hatred of the skyborn is surpassed only by his hatred for his own nation. If you permit him to join or even lead a portion of your army, I believe he will serve with distinction.

However, I worry for his obsession. He learns with the speed of the desperate, and runs headlong into situations that would get him killed without my intervention.

He will complete his training with me in approximately three week’s time. Once he is finished, I will turn him over to you. Treat him well, and do not betray him, lest his hate include us.

Krrinal, High Art Instructor